Archive for January, 2007

Double XP weekend

Monday, January 29th, 2007

This past weekend was Double XP weekend on City of Heroes.

Post-Apocalypse rocketed from level 18 to level 32, Enigmatic Archer gained a few levels and we managed to powerlevel a few of Don‘s toons too.

All good fun although by the end of the weekend I felt like my eyes were going to fall out of their sockets if I played any longer.

Gallery restored

Monday, January 29th, 2007

My old SWG gallery, lost when my server suffered a fatal hard disk failure, has been restored. Its new home is

I was really impressed with the installation of Gallery 2. Before the crash I had Gallery 1 and the Gallery 2 installer was able to import all the photos and comments even though the code and configure were missing. A painless installation when I was expecting a painful one!